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Plokštelinis Rekuperatorius INSPIRO BASIC 400 yra skirtas vėdinimo sistemai kaip modernus elementas, leidžiantis atgauti energiją – šilumą ir drėgmę.

It is intended for residential buildings

  • hotels
  • for the ventilation of apartment buildings

The use of energy can significantly reduce the running costs of a building. The enthalpy converter in the device is responsible for additional humidification / dehumidification of the air supplied to the room. This technological solution means that there is no need to install a condensate drainage system and the risk of cold is reduced. 3-speed AC fans responsible for supply and exhaust ensure smooth exchange of used air with fresh air. The applied G3 primary filters protect the heat exchanger from rapid contamination. The connection and control of the device takes place via the control panel.


Techninės specifikacijos