Mini rekuperatorius TEMPERO ECO 150 CERAM ACTIVE
290.40€- Vidinis automatinis užraktas;
- ON / OFF jungiklis (galima valdyti nuotoliniu būdu);
- Stebėjimo funkcija (miego režimas);
- Humidistat funkcija;
- Valdymo indikatoriaus lemputė funkcijoms / filtro valymui;
- 3 greičio pasirinkimas per nuotolinio valdymo pultelį;
- Galimybė pajungti Iki 16 įrenginių sujungtų nuosekliai, laidų pagalba.
Freestanding diffuser DINO-A
531.78€ – 1,266.23€The new DINO series diffusers for ventilation combine high capacity, elegant design and flexibility for adjustment throughout the diffuser life cycle. DINO series ejection diffusers ensure quiet and draft-free air distribution in places such as:
- Classes
- Restaurants
- Meeting rooms
- Gyms
- Industrial premises
- Professional kitchens
Tiekiamo oro difuzorius RCG
138.90€ – 147.28€- Ypač žemas garso lygis
- Lengva montuoti ir valyti
- Galima montuoti horizontaliai arba vertikaliai
- Standartinė grotelių spalva juoda
Tiekiamo oro difuzorius RUX
106.29€ – 189.33€- Supermarkets, grocery stores, industrial premises and gyms
- Long, narrow throw pattern
- Vertical throw can be directed to the side
- Perfect for forced air heating in high rooms
Supply air diffuser RIX
62.40€ – 147.98€- Supermarkets, grocery stores, industrial premises and gyms
- Long, narrow throw pattern
- Vertical throw can be directed to the side
- Perfect for forced air heating in high rooms
Supply air diffuser RIF
156.06€ – 222.49€- For ventilation, heating and cooling of high rooms
- Adjustable throw from horizontal to vertical
- Suitable for both free-standing and ceiling-mounted installation
- The rotational movement of the supply air improves mixing with the indoor air
The EPE belt coupling is closed
5.40€ – 6.30€Insulated ducts are a necessary part of a ventilation system. Insulated ducts are used in air distribution systems for ventilation, heating or cooling to reduce heat loss or prevent condensation on or inside the duct.
Insulated EPE duct elbow
7.20€ – 22.40€Designed to be connected to the outdoor part of the recuperator, ie from the recuperator to the field. No additional insulation is required.
Pūsto polietileno izoliuotas ortakis L-2000 mm
45.30€ – 58.20€Insulated ducts are a necessary part of a ventilation system. Insulated ducts are used in air distribution systems for ventilation, heating or cooling to reduce heat loss or prevent condensation on or inside the duct.
Acoustic air distribution box 200 mm 14 × 75
79.00€The air distribution boxes are made of galvanized sheet steel, the inside is covered with an insulating layer against noise.
Acoustic air distribution box 200 mm 12 × 75
72.20€The air distribution boxes are made of galvanized sheet steel, the inside is covered with an insulating layer against noise.
Akustinė oro paskirstymo dėžė 160 mm 10×75
62.74€The air distribution boxes are made of galvanized sheet steel, the inside is covered with an insulating layer against noise.